Sold 4,27,836 MTs of NC Urea, which is 100% of the dispatched quantity by leaving –NIL- inventory at Field warehouses.
Moved 4,27,952 MTs, which is >100% of bagged quantity.
96% of the products delivered to dealers directly from Railhead without moving to Warehouse.
The Closing PoS inventory of V.NC Urea as on 31.03.2024 is 30,078 MTs which is only 7 % of Invoiced quantity.
Sold 10,740 MTs of V.Organic Manure, which is All-time high since introduction.
Sold 11,307 MTs of V.City compost, which is the 2nd best since introduction (12041 MTs during 2019-20).
Achieved an all-time high volume sale of 22,047 MTs of combined Organic products, which is 26.22 % higher than the previous best of 17,466 MTs during 2021-22.
Sold 1,14,500 ltrs of V.Neem during the period, which is the 2nd best in last 10 years.
Maintaining the ever highest Rail Road ratio of 86 :14 for 2nd consecutive year.
26.26% of products directly delivered to dealers on Ex-Railhead basis resulted a saving of Rs 3.68 Crs
60,497 MTs of products delivered thru PGP by allowing TR of Rs 4.38 Crs, which when compared to latest escalated RTC rate of Rs 5.05 Crs, results in saving of Rs 67.15 Lakhs (15%) in Transportation cost.
Ever Lowest Shortages against despatches at Rail head delivery to the tune of 115.425 MTs recorded.
No Major rebates and credit periods offered for any of the Vijay products during the financial year, whereas Competitors offered various rebates & extended credit periods liberally
All the DBT Bills were generated in-time for immediate realization of Subsidy amount. The Subsidy bills generated during the year is Rs 2026.93 Crs.
Total Qty Produced V. NC Urea and V.20-20-0 : 5,27,307 Total Qty Shipped V. NC Urea and V.20-20-0 : 5,37,118, Total Qty Invoiced V. NC Urea and V.20-20-0 : 5,37,383, Total Qty PoS Sales V. NC Urea and V.20-20-0 : 5,24,527
Sold 5,29,879 MTs of NC Urea which is “All-time High” since revamping of Urea plants
Sold 5,37,383 MTs of both NPK & NC Urea during the year which is 3rd best in last 16 years (5,46,991 MTs in 2017-18 and 5,44,928 MTs in 2013-14)
Achieved a record movement of 5,37,117 MTs which is the best in last 9 years.
96.70 % of the products delivered to dealers directly from Railhead against the previous year movement of 94.44 %
The Closing PoS inventory of V.NC Urea on 31.03.2023 is 25,697 MTs which is only 4.8 % of Invoiced quantity.
Sold 1,57,420 Ltrs of V.Neem which is the highest in past 15 years.
Sold 7,836 MTs of V.Organic Manure which is highest in past 7 years.
Sold 9,608 MTs of V.City Compost and 22,560 Kgs of V.Bio Fertilizers during the period.
Improved the Rail Road ratio of 86:14 against previous year ratio 81:19 and which is the best in last 12 years
39 % of products directly delivered to dealers on Ex-Railhead basis resulted a saving of Rs 6.11 Crs
75,339 MTs of products delivered thru PGP by allowing TR of Rs 5.14 Crs, which when compared to latest escalated RTC rate of Rs 5.90 Crs, results in saving of Rs 76.60 Lakhs (15%) in Transportation cost
No Major rebates and credit periods offered for any of the Vijay products during the financial year, whereas Competitors offered various rebates and extended credit periods liberally
The Rail Road ratio is 81 : 19 which is 2nd best since introduction of FMS Rail Road movement ratio of 80 : 20.
All-Time High DBT Bill generation for NC Urea since inception of DBT
Total Qty Produced V. NC Urea and V.17-17-17 : 5,34,430, Total Qty Shipped V. NC Urea and V.17-17-17 : 5,33,243, Total Qty Invoiced V. NC Urea and V.17-17-17 : 5,31,270, Total Qty PoS Sales V. NC Urea and V.17-17-17 : 5,12,935
Achieved 4,79,402.325 MT of Vijay Neem Coated Urea sales which is 48% higher than the previous year sale of 3,23,764.200 MTs and grabbed a market share of 25.36% in Tamilnadu, 7.89 % in MFL’s marketing territory,
(Total consumption 2020-21 : 60,68,525 MT.and CPLY : 56,30,671 MT ).
Sold the total available quantity of 51,868.35 MTs of Vijay 17-17-17,
Overall, Sold 5,31,270 MTs of both NPK & NC Urea during the year which is at par with the production under the challenged Covid-19 pandemic situations and this is 37% higher than the previous year sale of 3,89,281 MTs
Record movement of 5,33,243 MTs irrespective of pandemic situations prevailed for the entire year which is the highest for last 5 years & 2nd best (5,42,644 MTs in 2013-14) for last 10 years.
Supplied 749.970 MTs of Vijay NC Urea to extra marketing territory Andaman & Nicobar Islands, the only company supplied during pandemic situations.
Sold 157 MT of V.Bio, this is 240% higher over previous year sale of 46.40 MTs.
Sold 96.67 KL of V.Neem which is 32% higher over the previous year sale of 73.42 KL.
Under “Basket Approach”, Sold 5046.28 MTs of Vijay Organic, which is 80% increase over CPLY of 2807.80 MTs.
In addition to Organic Manure, Under “Swachh Bharat Mission”, marketing of City Compost, a product from Municipality/Factory waste, has been undertaken and 6403 MTs was sold with interruptions in product supply due to Covid-19 however maintaining our slot in Top 10 Company on all India basis.
The Closing PoS inventory of V.NC Urea as on 31.03.2021 is 44,146 MTs which is only 9.2% of our Invoiced Quantity and it is against the industrial average of 21.47%
Mobilised Rs.91.50 Crores towards Trade Deposit and supported Finance in 4 different occasions where company reeled under severe crisis which is ever highest for any financial year irrespective of the pandemic situations prevailed.
Drastically reduced the Rebates. By excluding interest rebates offered for Trade advance, MFL allowed only Rs.0.35 lakhs against CPLY of Rs.0.65 lakhs and which was Rs.14.19 lakhs & Rs.12.15 Crores respectively during 2018-19 & 2017-18, thereby a huge outgo on marketing cost has been saved.
Achieved Rail Road ratio of 79:21 which is the 2nd best (83:17 in 2019-20) for last 10 years and one among the best achievement against the DoF norms of 80:20 under the pandemic situations.
No Major credit periods was offered during the financial year, whereas Competitors offered various discounts/rebates and extended credit facilities very liberally.
Achieved 100% for the 3rd consecutive year that all sales transactions were made thru RTGS/online transactions only.
Generated all subsidy bills up to date. We are much ahead among many of our competitors and no issues of DBT pending with NIC / DOF.
Total Bills generated-Qty VNCU and 17-17-17 : 5,12,958 [MT],
Total Bills generated-Value VNCU and 17-17-17 : 1156.90 Cr
Achieved 3,23,764.200 MT of Vijay Neem Coated Urea sales with market share of 5.75 % in MFL’s marketing territory.
(Total consumption 2019-20 : 56,30,671 MT and CPLY : 50,96,421 MT ).
Sold the total available quantity of 65,516.65 MT of Vijay 17-17-17, which is 139 % increase over CPLY of 27,429.55 MT
Under “Swachh Bharat Mission”, marketing of City Compost, a product from Municipality/Factory waste, has been undertaken and 12040.50 MT was sold, which is 49% increase over CPLY of 8087 MT and grabbed 19% market share in MFL marketing territory. MFL proud to be a TOPPER in Tamilnadu and scaled high from 8th to 6th position on All INDIA basis.
In addition to City Compost, under “Basket Approach” sold 2807.80 MT of Vijay Organic, which is 210% increase over CPLY of 905 MT.
Sold 73.42 KL of Vijay Neem, which is 96 % of CPLY sale of 76.53 KL
Sold 46.40 MT of Vijay Bio Fertilizers, which is 31% of CPLY of 150 MT
Achieved Rail : Road ratio of 83:17 for Urea movement against CPLY of 75:25 which is an ever highest achievement against the DoF norms of 80:20.
Drastically reduced the Rebates. By excluding interest rebates offered for Trade advance, MFL allowed only Rs.0.65 lakhs against CPLY of Rs.36.54 lakhs and Rs.12.15 Crores during 2018-19; thereby a huge outgo on marketing cost has been saved.
No Major credit periods was offered during the financial year, whereas Competitors offered various discounts/rebates and extended credit facilities very liberally.
Achieved 100% for the 2nd consecutive year that all sales transactions were made thru RTGS only.
Generated all subsidy bills up to date. We are much ahead among many of our competitors and no issues of DBT pending with NIC / DOF
Achieved 4,19,766.18 MT of Vijay Neem Coated Urea sales, which is 8.23% of total consumption in MFL’s marketing territory. (Total consumption 2018-19: 50,96,421 MT and CPLY : 51,83,847 MT).
Sold the total available quantity of 27,429.55 MT of Vijay 17-17-17
Achieved a sale of 76.53 KL of Vijay Neem, which is 27% increase over CPLY sale of 60.12 KL
Under “Swachh Bharat Mission”, Marketing of City Compost, a product from Municipality/Factory waste has been undertaken and 8087 MT sold, which is 15.6% share in the MFL marketing territory. MFL stood 8th position in terms of City Compost sale in All INDIA level.
Achieved a sale of 150 MT of Vijay Bio Fertilizers, which is 81% increase over CPLY sale of 83 MT
Sold 905 MT of Vijay Organic in addition to 8087 MT of City Compost.
Achieved Rail : Road ratio of 75:25 for Urea during the period as against CPLY of 70:30
With the help of rebates approved by CMD, liquidated 795.80 MT of old 50 Kg Vijay Urea, which was lying in Kadapa and Anantapur Warehouses since 2016 & March 2018 respectively. With this sale, we are going to get the long pending PoS sales realisation of around Rs.2.5 Cr.
During the year 2018-19, MFL allowed various rebates of Rs.36.54 lakhs as against CPLY of 12.15 Crores, thereby saved Rs.11.79 Crores.
No Credit was offered for major Vijay products viz. VNCU & V.17-17-17 during the financial year, whereas Competitors offered various rebates and extended credit periods very liberally.
Achieved 100 % of all sales transactions thru RTGS payment against CPLY of 99.9%.
Collected Rs.22 Cr. as Trade Deposit which is ever highest for any financial year
Liquidated entire inventory at Plant and made zero inventory in Plant as well as field warehouses, whereas competitors’ closing inventory is 1.28 lakh MT of Urea in the MFL Marketing territory.
Generated all subsidy bills up to date. We are much ahead among many of our competitors and no issues of DBT pending with NIC / DOF.
On the marketing front, it is proud to state that MFL has sold 4.73 lac MT of Neem coated Urea during 2017-18, as against the previous year’s sale of 4.36 lac MT. The market share of Vijay Neem Coated Urea in MFL marketing territory has increased from 8.35% to 9.13% when compared to previous year.
MFL glad to say that the best ever fertilizer sale of 5.47 lac MT was achieved both for Vijay Neem Coated Urea and Vijay Complex put together in recent years.
MFL has sold 83 MT of Biofertilizers and also traded 60.12 KL of eco-friendly Neem Pesticides.
As a part of “Swachh Bharat Mission”, MFL sold 8620.05 MT of City Compost against DoF target of 7500 MT during the year 2017-18 and CPLY of 1705.88 MT. MFL proud to say that it stood fourth position in terms of City Compost sale in All India Level.
In pursuance to the Prime Minister’s mission on empowering the farmers vide Supportive Schemes & Education on farming techniques, MFL has established “Kisan Suvidha Kendra” at Gangavathy and Shimoga in Karnataka during last year. Apart from selling agricultural inputs, farmer services like soil sample analysis and recommendation of fertilizer dosage based on soil test report, educating the farmers on weather, crop insurance and other improved farm technologies were offered.
As per DOF directive, the entire marketing territory of MFL is under Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) scheme effective 1st January 2018. Being a Lead Fertilizer supplier for Andaman & Nicobar, as a special assignment, MFL has trained the Depot In-charge officials of Agricultural Department on DBT and completed the installation and deployment of PoS machines in Andaman & Nicobar Islands.