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Achievements During 2022 – 2023

  • Plant has produced 519800 MT of Neem Coated Urea and 7507 MT of NPK complex (20-20-0). The capacity Utilisation of plants are 106.8% and 2.7% for Urea and NPK Plants respectively.
  • Urea production of 519800 MT is the Highest ever production since inception.(previous best 503900 MT in the FY 2021-22).
  • For the second time in MFL history and in consequate years, MFL has produced Urea above the RAC (Reassessed Annual Capacity) of 486750 MT.
  • Urea Specific Energy Consumption of 7.584 Gcal/MT for the year 2022-23.
  • Quarterly Production of 146169 MT of Urea during Jan-Mar 2023 is the second highest production since inception (Previous Best 144763 MT during Jan-Mar 2011).
  • Monthly production of 51000 MT achieved during Mar 2023 is the Best monthly production (Previous best 50662 MT in Dec 2021).
  • At the close of Mar 31, 2023, 3276 days were completed without any lost time accident covering 11.01 million man-hours. (Previous best Achieved - 5.66 million man-hours).

Achievements During 2021 – 2022

  • During the year 2021-22, Plant has produced 503900 MT of Neem Coated Urea, 24125 MT of NPK (17-17-17) and 97.92 MT of Bio Fertiliser. The capacity Utilisation of plants is 85.2 %, 103.5% and 8.6% with an operating factor of 83.9%, 101.6% and 60.3% for Ammonia, Urea and NPK Plants respectively.
  • Plants were in operation with an OSH of 8040 Hrs, 8066 Hrs and 1235 Hrs respectively for Ammonia, Urea and NPK Plants
  • MFL has achieved Urea Production of 503900 MT which is the best annual production (previous best 486750 MT in the FY 2013-14).
  • Annual Specific Energy Consumption of 9.98 Gcal/MT of Ammonia is the lowest since inception (Previous best 10.085 Gcal/MT in the year 2013-14) 7.371GCal/MT of Urea is the Lowest Specific Energy Consumption since inception (Previous Best 7.386 GCal/MT in the FY 2013-14)
  • Quarterly Production of 146662 MT of Urea during Oct-Dec 2021 is the highest production since inception (Previous Best 144763 MT during Jan-Mar 2011)
  • Quarterly Specific Energy Consumption of 6.989 GCal/MT of Urea during Oct-Dec 2021 is the Lowest Specific Energy Consumption since inception (Previous Best 7.057 GCal/MT during Jan-Mar 2011)
  • Monthly production of 50662 MT achieved during Dec 2021 is the Best monthly production (Best 50650 MT in Mar 2016)
  • Monthly Specific Energy Consumption of 6.839 GCal/MT of Urea during Dec 2021 is the Lowest Specific Energy Consumption since inception (Previous Best 6.890 GCal/MT in Apr 2013)
  • Even during Pandemic period the Plants were availed for safe shut down and Annual Turn around Activities performed and started back normally without any delay.
  • Consumption of Sewage water and TTRO water has been increased by 28.26% and totally fresh Raw water make up to System was minimized.
  • At the close of Mar 31, 2022, 2911 days were completed without any lost time accident covering 9.99 million man-hours. (Previous best Achieved - 5.66 million man-hours.)

Achievements During 2020 – 2021

  • During the year 2020-21, Plant has produced 480865 MT of Neem Coated Urea, 53565 MT of NPK (17-17-17) and 156.40 MT of Bio Fertiliser. The capacity Utilisation of plants is 81.87 %, 98.79% and 19.13% with an operating factor of 86.52%, 100.74% and 68.40% for Ammonia, Urea and NPK Plants respectively.
  • Ammonia and Urea Plants were operated consistently a max load of 92% and 108% respectively with RLNG as Feedstock and achieved 100% and above of Urea production for 225 Days during this year.
  • Urea production of 480865 MT in FY 2020-21 is the Second highest Production since inception.
  • Quarterly Production of 143169 MT of Urea during Jan-Mar 2021 is the second highest in any quarter since inception (Previous 142498 MT during Oct-Dec 2010 and Best 144763 MT during Jan-Mar 2011)
  • Average Specific Energy Consumption of Ammonia and Urea plant is 10.3594 & 7.6375 GCal/MT respectively. Achieved the lowest energy consumption of Ammonia and Urea for the day since inception, on 10.11.2020 (8.968 GCal/MT of Ammonia and 6.615 GCal/MT of Urea)
  • During the countrywide lockdown due to COVID-19 pandemic situation from March 25, 2020, Urea production and despatch were not affected, because of the appropriate and adequate precautionary measures taken by the management.
  • As per GoI guidelines for Covid 19, plant was operated with all precautionary measures during the period of March20 to Sep 20, production of Urea and complex fertilizers and timely distribution of product were ensured.
  • Even during Pandemic period the Plants were availed for safe shut down and Annual Turn around Activities performed and started back normally without any delay.
  • The replacement of RO Stream membranes along with TTRO water for CW make up has made significant improvement in CW quality & Cooling Tower Cycles of Concentration which helped in reduction of chemical consumption and frequent leaking / failure of CW exchangers. This has improved the on stream efficiency of the exchanger and ultimately plant loads.
  • Consumption of Sewage water and TTRO water has been increased by 28.26% and totally fresh Raw water make up to System was minimized.
  • Installation of CT Cells M & N: After commissioning of these 2 cells, the availability of total no. of fans increased to 14 nos, High cooling water temperature problem totally eliminated even during summer and taking preventive maintenance of fans becomes easy without affecting plant loads.
  • At the close of Mar 31, 2021, 2546 days were completed without any lost time accident covering 8.91 million man-hours. (Previous best Achieved - 5.66 million man-hours.)

Achievements During 2019 – 2020

  • During the year 2019-20 MFL has produced 345150 MT of Neem Coated Urea and 65000 MT of NPK 17-17-17 Complex fertilizers.
  • Feed Stock Conversion from Naphtha to RLNG was successfully completed, and plants were started back smoothly and Urea production commenced on July 28, 2019.
  • Ammonia and Urea Plants were achieved a max load of 91% and 108% respectively with RLNG as Feedstock.
  • Urea production of 46040 MT in Feb 2020 is the highest-ever in any February month since inception.
  • NPK A train was started back after a long shutdown of 7 years and Production commenced on 6th Jan 2020.
  • During the countrywide lockdown due to COVID 19 pandemic situation from March 25, 2020, Urea production and despatch were not affected, because of the appropriate and adequate precautionary measures taken by the management.
  • Achieved Ammonia and Urea Energy of 10.659 & 7.873 GCal/MT respectively.
  • Urea plant production of 100% and above was achieved for 146 Days out of 243 days during this year.
  • TTRO water from M/s CMWSSB receipt commenced from October 2019, and Cooling water cycles of Concentration has improved, thereby reduction in make up water quantity and other chemicals.
  • At the close of Mar 31, 2020, 2181 days were completed without any lost time accident covering 7.78 million man-hours. (Previous best Achieved - 5.66 million man-hours.)

Achievements During 2018 – 2019

  • During the year 2018-19 MFL has produced 394300 MT of Neem Coated Urea and 25160 MT of NPK 17-17-17 Complex fertilizers.
  • Actual Energy for the year 2018-19 is 10.755 & 7.808 GCal/MT for Ammonia and Urea.
  • 45 Kgs Neem Coated Urea bagging was started on May 24, 2018.
  • During the month of April 2018 Ammonia and Urea plants were availed emergency shut down on April 26th, due to the Critical Inventory of Naphtha caused by financial constraints. Utilizing this shut down opportunity, Ammonia plant Boilers statutory inspection and other Maintenance activities carried out. Plant start up activities commenced from 19th Jun, 2018 after resumption of Naphtha supply from M/s CPCL. Production resumed from July 7, 2018.
  • During III quarter Urea plant production achieved above the GOI target.
  • MFL made a profit of Rs.7.73 Cr during the III quarter of 2018-19.
  • Urea plant production of above 100% load (1475 MT) was achieved for more than 174 Days during this year.
  • RO B & C stream membranes were renewed, Permeate and TTP water production increased.
  • APC commissioned in Ammonia plant during Nov 2018,
  • An Agreement has been successfully signed with M/s IOCL for GSA/GTA, on 06 Feb, 2019 for the supply of 1.16 MMSCMD of RLNG to MFL. Inaugural pooja performed and RLNG partially hooked up to MFL since 22nd March, 2019.
  • Plants availed shut down on 30th March 2019 for Feed Stock Conversion from Naphtha to RLNG and Turn Around activities. Production is expected from May 1st week of 2019 with RLNG as Feed Stock instead of Naphtha.
  • NPK Complex 17-17-17 production was only 25160 MT due to Raw Material limitation caused by working capital Constraints.
  • At the close of Mar 31, 2019, 1815 days were completed without any lost time accident covering 6.594 million man-hours. (Previous best Achieved- 5.66 million man-hours.)

Achievements During 2017 – 2018

  • Achievements in Plant Production & Performance 2017-18 and CPLY
  • 1.Urea Production (Production: CY : 418898 MT and LY: 468438 MT)
  • 2.Increase in NPK Production by 27 % (Production: CY : 62110 MT and LY: 48895 MT)
  • 3.Urea specific energy consumption (Energy: CY : 7.827 Gcal/MT and LY: 7.460 Gcal/MT)
  • In the fourth quarter of 2017-18, both Ammonia and Urea Plants produced 79097 MT and 135797 MT and exceeded the quarterly production target by 100.1% and 104.5% respectively.
  • Urea Specific Energy consumption for the month of March 2018 and IV quarter 2018 (6.979 & 7.105 Gcal/MT) is the lowest against the MOU targets (7.298 & 7.311 Gcal/MT)
  • In the month of Mar 2018, both Ammonia and Urea Plants produced 28585 MT and 49034 MT and exceeded the monthly production target by 105% and 109% respectively
  • Since Inception the lowest specific energy consumption of 9.339 Gcal/MT Ammonia (Design: 9.461 Gcal) & 6.787 Gcal/MT Urea (Derived design: 7.004 Gcal) was achieved on Feb 04, 2018, the average being 9.457 Gcal/MT & 6.879 Gcal/MT respectively in the period Jan 23- Feb 04, 2018
  • Urea plant running at higher load capacity (Avg.108%) for 77 days during Jan 10 – Mar 27, 2018.
  • At the close of March 31, 2018, 1450 days were completed without any lost time accident covering 5.61 million man-hours.