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Care for the Neighbourhood

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care neighbourhood

Community Centre

Conducting business with social responsibility presupposes contributions to the community development. Based on this objective, MFL has taken keen interest in fulfilling the needs of the community in Manali area. MFLs contribution to the community include Rs.75 lakhs for the construction of an overbridge across the railway line in the link road to Manali and a modern community centre at Manali. MFL has also constructed class rooms for about 400 school children in the Government High School, Manali. In the same school, MFL has constructed a library building and equipped it with books and provided with furniture, fans and electrical, MFL has also provided annual scholarships to meritorious SC/ST students.

MFL has also organized health checkups for school children and provided drinking water facilities and provided tri-cycles to physically handicapped in and around the Manali Town. MFL has provided a Computer for Manali Town Panchayat Office. MFL has also provided Sodium vapour lamps for street lights in Manali Town Panchayat area.

Other Social Community Services By The Company

Providing vocational training to Diploma in Commercial Practice / Graduate Engineer Apprentices / Trade Apprentices (ITI). There are 25 Diploma Commercial Practice Trainees, 50 Graduate Engineers Apprentices and 70 Trade Apprentices. Renovated and Repaired 70 noon meal centers in Kancheepuram District. Deputed one Sr Officer for National Literacy Campaign for 2 years

Videos on Farmers Services

Video – I

Video – II

Video – III

Images on Farmers Services
